
Optional plugins that add site-wide functionality


The Plugins resource allows for enabling of functionality site-wide. Normally these plugins also have configurable fields that change the behavior as well has fields that take account IDs or other credentials needed for the plugin to function. It is a sub-resource of "Site".

Supported plugins

Each plugin has specific fields. Documentation for the specific fields and example for each plugin can be found below.

Plugin Model

Plugin object

A plugin object contains the following common fields

Example object:

Below is an example of a googletagmanager plugin which has a field unique to this plugin account_id. Documentation for the specific fields for each plugin can be found further below.

    "active": true,
    "account_id": "PDTVXXX",
    "id": 1234,
    "plugin_type": "googletagmanager",
    "site_id": 54321

Create a plugin

POST /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/:plugin_type/

Required fields

List plugins

List all plugins for a Site ID including active and inactive

GET /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/


  "meta": {
    "limit": 20,
    "next": null,
    "offset": 0,
    "previous": null,
    "total_count": 3
  "objects": [
      "account_id": "GA-XXXXXX",
      "active": false,
      "id": 12344,
      "plugin_type": "googleglobalsitetag",
      "site_id": 54321
      "account2_id": null,
      "account_id": "PDTXXXX",
      "active": true,
      "id": 12345,
      "plugin_type": "googletagmanager",
      "site_id": 54321

Get a single plugin

Fetch the Plugin detail using the and Plugin.plugin_type. This endpoint can also be used to determine if a particular plugin is already added to a Site

GET /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/:plugin_type/

Update a plugin

PUT /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/:plugin_type/

Delete a plugin

DELETE /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/:plugin_type/

Custom Tag Plugin (customtag)

Adds custom HTML to the header, footer, or prebody (right after <body>) of all pages within your Site


GET /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/customtag/

Plugin object

In addition to the common fields, a customtag plugin object contains the following fields

Example object:

    "active": true,
    "footer_template": "<script src=\"...\"...></script>",
    "header_template": "<script src=\"...\"...></script>",
    "id": 1234,
    "plugin_type": "customtag",
    "prebody_template": "<script src=\"...\"...></script>",
    "site_id": 54321

Google Global Site Tag (googleglobalsitetag)

Adds the Google Site Tag (i.e. gtag) to your site in the correct locations within the HTML.

This plugin supports the following tracker types/account IDs

  • UA-XXXXXX - Universal analytics (i.e. Google Analytics)

  • G-XXXXXX - GA4 (Google Analytics 4)


GET /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/googleglobalsitetag/

Plugin object

In addition to the common fields, a googleglobalsitetag plugin object contains the following fields.

Google Tag Manager Plugin (googletagmanager)

Adds the Google Tag Manager tags to your site in the correct locations within the HTML


GET /api/v2/sites/:site_id/plugins/googletagmanager/

Plugin object

In addition to the common fields, a googletagmanager plugin object contains the following fields

Example object:

    "active": true,
    "account_id": "PDTVXXX",
    "id": 1234,
    "plugin_type": "googletagmanager",
    "site_id": 54321

Last updated